Pushing The Profession Forward

Sports Medicine Provider Services


At the core of our services is our staffing agency. A key factor for the future of athletic training is opportunity. Opportunities to create positions that never existed. Opportunities to serve communities that have never had access. Opportunities to showcase the value of staffing a certified athletic trainer. We empower AT’s to work for themselves, document patient outcomes that translate to ROI, and serve traditional communities in a non-traditional way. All while providing flexibility to pursue other passions.

Continued Education Services


The core of Athletic Training is its practitioners. We believe if we start with ourselves by growing our own awareness, perspective, and experiences, it empowers us to look for, pursue, and find more within oneself and the profession.

Education Program Services


Because the quality practitioner is at the core of the success of the athletic training profession, supporting educators and education programs is paramount. Yet, we know, continually asking educators to do more is NOT the way forward. We must provide them with resources and support so that they can focus on growing the next generation of quality practitioners.

ATvantage Podcast Network & Memberships


At ATvantage, we are aware that our voice is not the only one within athletic training working to grow the profession. Our podcast network was created to raise other voices and expose athletic trainers to new perspectives that challenge conventional thinking, inspire growth and change, and expand open minds.