Managing Conflict Resolution In The Workplace

Conflict in the workplace can be difficult to navigate and add stress to a work environment. Discomfort in a high-stakes situation is inevitable, but it doesn't have to lead to a crisis. In healthcare, teamwork and collaboration are key. It is vital that athletic trainers understand how to prevent and manage workplace conflict, in order to effectively perform essential duties.

In a recent blog by SCP health, you’ll a useful analogy on 3 common ways people respond to stressful situations.

  • Foot on the gas, someone may lash out within anger.

  • Foot on the brake, a person might withdraw or back down.

  • Foot on both gas and brake, a person may freeze, but deep down, they are very emotionally charged.

Knowing your own default response in a stressful situation will assist in preventing an escalation of a conflict. It is just as important to be aware of the situation around you, including the conflict itself and the others involved. A colleague could react very differently or similarly to you, depending on the situation.

Awareness, prevention, and practice of crucial conversations and conflict management can prepare you to approach a situation as a win-win for everyone involved. Check out this flow chart, blog, and resource to assist in identifying a high-stakes situation, preventing issues from transforming into a crisis, and managing conflict in the workplace.

Need additional support with this topic? Fill out the form and grab our 15+ paged guide!


A complete strategy to work step-by-step through conflict prevention, management, and resolution. A diagram with supporting resources, packaged together in a 15+ page PDF for you to read, print out, and implement.

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    AT Shoutout: Dylan Hide


    AT Shoutout: Cherryl Bueno