AT Shoutout: Cherryl Bueno

Burnout is nothing new in the athletic training profession. As ATs we enter into it with big hopes of what it could be and then often find ourselves exhausted and depleted from the long hours and outrageous expectations.

This is a huge driver behind our mission at ATvantage, because we want to keep ATs working in a profession they love...and in a way that works for their needs! We know, unheard of, but after more than 10 years in the game we're pretty good at it (if we do say so ourselves šŸ˜‰).

A powerful example of this sentiment is AT, Cherryl Bueno, who has been working per diem for ATvantage over the last 8 years. When we first connected with Cherryl the synergy was clear.

She had left the AT profession back in 2005 due to burnout and transitioned to medical sales, and when we first met she had recently moved to San Diego for a new position that was eliminated due to lack of funding after just 3 months. She had no network or professional affiliation in the Southern California AT community to turn to in her next move and had to start from scratch. She started by volunteering at an AVP beach volleyball event and someone suggested she reach out to ATVantage.... the rest is history!

Cherryl says, "Contracting with ATvantage has always been positive and although my network has grown immensely since I first connected with them, I try to squeeze in coverage whenever I have availability. I know the true struggles of being a staff ATC at a school so I try to help out as often as I am able. Ginny has always been so great about accommodating my schedule."

Being self-employed has been the antidote to burnout and disregard for the profession.

Once she started her own business and leaned into her unique interests, her passion returned. This is something we know well and deeply support!

"The beauty about being self-employed is that Iā€™m able to pick and choose the coverage in which I am interested. There are some sports I would prefer not to work so I can always opt-out. Also, if Iā€™m unhappy in a specific setting, I know that the assignment will eventually come to an end and I am not fully vested/committed. The change of setting allows me to not be in a position of burnout from repetition and routine."

This flexibility and the mindset around working with the needs of ATs rather than forcing the traditional way of doing things is what keeps ATs committed and passionate when contracting with us. We're all about allowing ATs to pick up shifts with no commitment or pressure and we don't require them to work a certain amount of hours to remain a contractor. Why? Because we know firsthand that's not realistic and like Cherryl, you are MORE than a trainer!

"Cherryl has been working with ATvantage for a long time. Her availability varies but when she is in town and available she is always looking for shifts to pick up. She has agreed to last-minute coverage on many occasions. We are so happy she continues to be active in our database of athletic trainers." Director of AT Operations, Ginny Garner, shares.

Cherryl's other passions include traveling around the country with the pro tennis tour, exploring new cities, restaurants, sightseeing, anything outdoors, hiking, & working out. We love seeing ATs enjoy their versatile passions while they have the ability to remain working in a profession they love!


Managing Conflict Resolution In The Workplace


AT Shoutout: Brett Hinton